Thursday, June 30, 2011

Zara People!

A big fan of Zara, I was really excited to be introduced to Zara People!! Basically, it's a street style blog made up of submitted photos of real people wearing Zara clothes. And since Zara is based in Spain, but sold internationally, you get a global variety of ideas (I love that it says where the person is from!). Enjoy!

I love a good love story

Splitscreen: A Love Story from JW Griffiths, via Butler + Claypool

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beckydrolen Vintage

Currently window shopping over at Etsy shop Beckydrolen Vintage - and she's having a sale!

Inside Out

I remember telling Hunter once that I wanted to have several different twitter accounts, so I can delve into my many interests: one for politics, one for professional news in the PR world, one for design, one for fashion, one for comedy, etc. I'm pretty sure he thought I was crazy... but sometimes its just hard to roll that all into one. Is it appropriate to post on Amarillo y Crema about the PR side of the Weiner scandal? Or tweet about Coke's new social media campaign? Wouldn't that just make my design/fashion blog all over the place? Some bloggers do a really good job of that - rolling their professional life and blogger life into one (see Joanna Goddard of A Cup of Jo), but I'm still learning. And then I saw this post that does just that. Having been involved in grassroots campaigns before, I was really excited to see this original and creative grassroots idea inspired by the Inside Out Project.

Inspired by Paris street artist JR, this project was led by local resident Dana Eskelson in response to development of the Atlantic Yards stadium in NYC, which was forcing many local shopkeepers out of business. Neighbors on Bergen street got everyone's attention by blowing up black and white photographs of 11 immigrant shop owners and displaying them on the steps of their Brooklyn brownstones.

I really hope it works out for them. In a world of lots of "noise" its certainly a great idea. You can read more about the project in The New York Times article, here. See more photos here.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wearing the Pants

Photos from a new favorite website called "Wearing the Pants," for all you ladies who wear the pants, whether literally or figuratively.

Image 1: Lady Moriarty; Image 2: Mr. Newton; Image 3: The Glitter Guide; Image 4: Vogue Weekend; Image 5: Sofia Coppola, all via Wearing the Pants, via Amateur Couture

The Sartorial-twist

I really can't get enough of this new website - The Sartorial-twist - which allows you to mix and match various photos taken at the actual site. Humorous and inspiring all at the same time.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Hi Peeps - sorry to have been absent from the blogosphere for so long. To mostly make myself feel better, I'm going to play catch up on what I've been up to lately:

1. Saying goodbye to some good friends of ours - James and Emily :(.

2. Craft night with some lovely ladies from my 'hood, where I attempted to make this and am still figuring out how to work my new pom pom maker (they are only $5!):

3. Camping! Which included a lot of this:

4. Swimming - I've been three times this weekend alone.

5. Watching Midnight in Paris and loving it.

6. Lots of eating.

7. Walking along the SW waterfront and discovering L'Enfant Plaza (which looks suspiciously like communist Russia - or how I imagine it would).

8. Picnicking (yes, that's how you spell it).

9. Playing Carcassonne.

10. Re-reading the Harry Potter series (I'm on the third book).

Anyway, expect me to much more up on my game this week (some fourth of July inspired posts, perhaps?). Have a great Monday!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The funk

I'm been in this weird funk today, so instead of my usual post I'm going to list things that have been making me happy lately. Apparently, that's supposed to make you feel better or something? Anyway, here goes:

1. This funny:

2. This quote from idol Amy Poehler, reminding me not to be self conscious about being silly.

“I get worried for young girls sometimes; I want them to feel that they can be sassy and full and weird and geeky and smart and independent, and not so withered and shriveled.” —Amy Poehler

3. This poster of rebellion. I honestly love a good rebellion.

4. Baby hedgehogs. I google image them aaallll the time.

5. Watching favorite movies/tv episodes over and over again and then "listening to angry girl music of the indie rock persuasion."

6. Prepping for the midnight showing of this gem:

And that's about it for now. Hope you all are having a good day!

Images: All via my Pinterest

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Vintage Photos

You know how they sell old vintage photos at flea markets? I always want to take some home with me, but feel strange about showing off photos of strangers in my home. I would not hesitate with this batch, though.

Images: Froken O
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